Activate DKIM for Google Workspace

DKIM is an email authentication method for Google Workspace. This article explains how to activate it for your business email.

Login to the Google Workspace Admin console ( In the left menu, click on Apps → Google Workspace → Gmail. Then click on Authenticate email.

On the next screen, select your domain and then click the Generate New Record button. You will then receive a DNS record which looks like the following:

If you would like ClickWP to install the DNS record for you, copy and paste the DNS record as plain text (not a screenshot). Here's an example DNS record you would send to us:

DNS host name (TXT record name):


TXT record value:

v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAjDeMWo1rH0jjxWjbLfzbpXp22uHqBeYwBJF4s39zheyOnWELWenhd+EWCRqaUKab/SghV6umAKVuZpO0NrDoiGZLzMjp2wAzqbOBtovKwror6Mv+qDmV1h22QLbDNc9rjYIUvx27TBUbCf/1NdTfJjGpE5GBOhQrqENRpLj+94LpZ7/lUI70FBaonCULuOcMrqqTMGRlpUvwLVedYzH/Jw4qTEVQOsPYJD7E2fCqoEb5Mo3KE4FT0uilaJrx6aAWs7EtggHlKpw9v5D2lTvmdATRRvQiq7oa0ssWgAZi4/5J806Qsn/V0K3dmgWzhPHNp7C3A8TnMEWokhgS3KDqEQIDAQAB

Once the DNS record has been installed, return to the screen above and click Start Authentication.